
●Edition Type: Book Type: B5


This is a complete new TRPG "Last Requiem ~ Neogothic RPG" released this fall.
Monotone Museum RPG Data Archive, Daily Horror RPG Scream High School Player Book,
Features new products from summer to autumn, such as Tokyo Nightmare Super Scenario Support 07 Hearts of Steel."

This issue is the change action RPG Marginal Heroes supplement of the End of Teller.
Replay "Belt Armor War Operations!! posted

In Chiba City, villains that recently transformed by the power of a belt have been rampaging and ramping.
But the villains were very common people in Chiba City just ago.
What happened to them?
The fuss caused by a mysterious transformation belt.
Belt-Armor heroes are transforming into belts.
To protect everyones peace and hope, now you can change it.

Introducing the TRPG by Mikako Mikako, 4-piece manga "Hafatto ★TRPG"
We deliver Forever Dream supplement for reincarnation survival RPG ROUINBREAKERS.
Others: Rooinbreakers, Fist Zusai, AnimaAnims, Double Cross The3rd Edition.
Scream High School, Twilight High School, Blessing on this Wonderful World! TRPG"
Tokyo Nightmare, Tokyo N◎VA The AXLERATION, Arian Rod RPG 2E, Garden Order
Product support articles such as "Marginal Heroes".

Cover illustration: TAG
Sold by: First East Amusement Research Ltd.
Edition Type: Book Type: B5