Feature(may vary by option.)

●A new standard humbucker based on the PAF
●Strands are assigned to rails and plain strings for incredible clarity
●Designed by John Naillor, founder of the legendary Naylor Amp
●Chrome cover type
●For neck

[Neck side]


■Brand Introduction

Railhammer Pickup was designed by Joe Nailer by the legendary engineer who launched the worlds leading high-end amplifier manufacturer, Naylor Engineering, and then started ReverendGuitars.

Railhammer pickup is patent pending

The unique pickup combines a pole piece for a plain string and a rail (bar type) under the wound string is a tight low and fat high with a regular pickup, giving you the perfect tone balance without any compromise.

The tone is more clear, but the tone will not become inorganic.

This means that the Railhammer pickup is a rich, organic tone in passive pickup.

And thats not all about the Railhammer pickup.

Touch-sensitivity, sustain and treble components are highlighted to deliver unrivaled sound than standard pickup.

However, with Railhammer pickup, you will get a very musical and highly expressive tones.

If you are looking for high detail and clarity and need to take the tone to a new level, simply attach the Railhammer pickup to your guitar!

■Product description

Best Brown Sound Pickup

The Railhammer Hyper Vintage Pickup has researched vintage PAF recipes and evolved it to the next generation.

Its a new era of humbucker.

Humbucker has a warm sound and clear sound with light compression. Features a bell-like high range and soft mid-attack.

And it is a high response and open tone than Chisel pickup.

Perfect pickup for blues, classic rocks to old school metals and punks.

It is good at vintage sound and will be the best pick up especially to make "brown sound".

Specifically, the Railhammer Pickup Neck Humbucker is designed to prevent the sound from mixing and dropping even when you hit the cords.

This product is a Japanese distributor.
Please be aware that we cannot accept the agent warranty.