
●Japan Fire Retardant Association certified product
●Disaster Prevention Head for Better Posture
●A completely new form of posture and disaster prevention
●※There may be slight differences between the product and the actual product


For schools, disaster prevention head "p! nto school" Pinto School

A completely new form of posture and disaster prevention. Schools where children sit on the chair longest of the day. Reviewing the environment in schools can lead to thinking about the growth of children. For example, whether youre listening to a teachers story facing the front or listening downward, the information you get is going to change. That means that your posture will change the way you work for the classroom. The development of a child can vary greatly depending on what they encounter and how they are absorbed. Posture is the foundation of this relationship. Pint School is a cushion that helps to maintain a sitting environment that is the foundation of childrens school life, and foster their learning posture.

By maintaining a posture environment, we watch the growth of children.

Schools where children sit on the chair longest of the day. Whether youre listening to a teachers story facing front or listening downward, the information you get is going to change. The foundation of this posture is the posture. Pint School is a cushion that helps to maintain a sitting environment that is the foundation of childrens school life, and foster their learning posture.

Be prepared! Protect your childs precious body even in the event of a sudden disaster.

Occupational Therapist Yuko Nomura has helped with the cooperation of disaster preventive habits of children all over the country. Easy to handle even in lower schools. No time to put on it. Suitable for both low and high school chairs. The cushion does not fall off the chair when cleaning, and the cover is washable for disaster prevention head. School is complete.

Just sit down, and you can achieve the correct posture.

Compare your posture with or without pint school The pelvis falls back on a hard school chair and the reaction causes your back to roll up and your head falls forward.When you hear the teachers story facing forward, you will try to roll up your shoulders and raise your head with just your neck, so your shoulders, neck and back can be stressed. So go with Pint School! The spine can be stretched to keep your pelvis in a position that is easy to raise your head.The tension on the neck, shoulders, elbows and wrists can be loosened to allow for a smooth transition of writing and chalkboard viewing.

Unique technology created over 300 custom pillows per year! Uses Eslem technology. What is Eslem Technology? Pea-ESs proprietary technology allows the user to adjust the overall weight, muscle tension, movement, and balance under gravity to determine the position of gravity, bone placement, and muscle riding, etc.This creates a neutral state of the body and allows the muscles to work efficiently and function to move joints.

Introduced in elementary school! Pint School has been introduced in international elementary schools since spring 2016, and is actually used as a disaster prevention towel during evacuation training. From June, it was introduced in elementary schools in Urahai City.

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