Feature(may vary by option.)

●Quantity: 6
●Size: 2 inches (50 mm)
●Weight: Approx. 0.05 oz (1.5
●Recommended Offset Hook Size: #6

[#141 Tulal Green Blue]

[#149 Clear]

[#140 Isgill]

[#116 Shinnica Kegill]

[#109 Black Solid]

[#250 Light Gripper]

[#128 Green Light Gill]

[#113 Cinnamon  & Blue F]

[#248 Glass Shrimp]

[#142 Light Grippan  & Black Blue F]


No more bugs. Even with no action, the powerful "hair" that attracts fish, has evolved as it is the fourth skewer in the COIKE series. With the natural action of the lure itself, this product adds to the concept of inviting unpleasant bass, and it seems to be able to catch it. It will never let you down. Released 10 years ago, the original Coike Shrimp was made of elastomer material. New Coike Shrimp is back into salted worm material.