Feature(may vary by option.)

●Quantity: 10
●Size: 2.6 inches / Weight: 3.9 g
●Recommended hook size: #1, #2 (jig head, offset hook)
●Recommended for fish: Black bass, soy, sea sash, clawfish, crodie, pheasant

[4インチ ブラック]

[4インチ GPM(グリーンパンプキンマジック)]

[2.6 in RD (red)]

[2.6 in BBF (Black Blue Flex)]

[2.6 in GP (Green Pumpkin)]

[4インチ SASP(サウスアフリカンスペシャル)]

[2.6 in EBI (Evimiso)]

[4インチ SCPBF(スカッパノンブルーフレック)]

[2.6 in MMZ]

[2.6 in WHPR (white pearl)]

[4インチ GP (Green Pumpkin)]

[2.6 in CGBFO (Chart-Deuce Green Black Floresent Orange)]

[4インチ MTG(マッディーテナガ)]

[4インチ EBI (Evimiso)]

[4インチ SBU(サファイヤブルー)]

[4インチ WMR(ウォータ-メロンレッド)]

[2.6 in C (Camo)]


Berkley/Berkley USAMaxScent CritterHawg/Max Scent Critterhog Size: 2.6 inch / Quantity: 10 pieces popular in the US market. Kimkens favorite Max Scent series. The Max Scent series features a taste and smell. Combines the good parts of Gulp and Powerbaits with excellent fish collecting capabilities, adding a "taste and odor" to the actual action of the worm. And this "ClitterHog" is a classic powerhog shape. Widely used for spring fishing such as light Texas flips, shaky heads, jig heads and more. We think that it is also compatible with cherry rigs.

From the Manufacturer

MaxScents Digging Capacity + Finesse Shaped Hog-Shaped Worm


Many people will already experience the height of MaxScents digging ability.

This worm is made with the MaxScent material and finished in a size of 2.6 inches.

However, we didnt simply downsize the 4" ClitterHog.

In consideration of "small but strong waves", the arm part is thick and the center of gravity is moved to the tip.

The opposite hand uses a 0.06 oz (1.8 g) or more sinker to fall off while pushing water and flattening down.

The "strong wave" waves can be eaten with "MaxScent" and "Finesse Shape".

A worm that combines two opposing elements with the MaxScent 2.6" Critter Hawg.






Thicker than 4" Clitterhog and moves center of gravity to the tip side.

Small but strong waves to attract fish

■Reverse hand tentacle

Inverted tentacles feature a drop and action when using a 0.06 oz (1.8 g) or more sinker.

Until now, the fish in the middle layer couldnt be able to show off the fish, but you can still show the fish during the fall.

■Tentacle & Tail

Tentacles and tails that receive water and pullConscious of the weak waves that fish can make.


The size makes it easy to use anywhere in the country such as a wild pond, reservoir, and high pressure major lake.

The SW has a size that is easy to use in fields with soys, sea sashes, sagos, pheashaps, and clodies.





Example: Texas Rig.

2.7g and above.Recommended when high shedding performance is required.

Examples: Leaderless Downshot, Cherry Rig

2.7g and above.You can shake the arms and tentacles by shaking it after the bottom or hanging it on the object.

Example: Jig Head

2.7g and above.Recommended when hooking performance is required.

Example: Downshot

2.7g and above.Shake the sinker with a short leader in the bottom or create a gap between the leaders fall.



Example: Jig Trailer

2.7g and above.Sumoraba can attack falls, open water, and bottom.Shake with power finesse and invite MaxScents taste and odor.

Example: Carolina rig

Effective rig for enticing a wide range of areas such as dough and Tetra bands.