Feature(may vary by option.)

●Quantity: 7 pieces
●Size: 3.8 inches
●Fits Hook Size: Offset #1 - #1/0

[melon blue clear pearl 3.8 inch]

[Marhathamie Chart 3.8 inch]

[Marhata Double Cola 3.8 inch]

[Gripan Chart 3.8 inch]

[Green Pumpkin Pepper 3.8 inch]

[Maruhathawa Heron 3.8 inch]

[dark sander clear silver 3.8 inch]

[tena blue flake 3.8 inch]


The entire body shakes and is a low-wave action. DB UMA FREE / DB USA-FREE, developed as a soft bait optimized for free rigging, which draws attention to the latest bass fishing. Based on the extensive experience and creative idea of professional anglers and Qintakuma, DBUma-FREE strives to control the maneuverability and quick changes as shown in the image to utilize the greatest benefits of free rig "changes in action and speed". It creates resistance during the fall, serves as a brake that separates the distance between the sinker and the lure, and the arm that transmits the roll action from the small waves, and the long horizontal reach tail, and the sinker is made with high density material for the sinking speed to create a firm action even if the lure is only weight. From the speedy flattening action from the landing to the bottom of the sinker to the spontaneous micro-wave rolling after the sinker is induced to the bass predator switch.