Feature(may vary by option.)

●Luggage Seal Roll Type Seal Size: Vertical 2.4 inches (60 mm), Width 2.0 inches (50 mm), Number of Sheets: 1 roll (500 sheets)
●Material: Paper material seal (high quality paper)
●Convenient roll type with perforated sheet (sticker mat) Please cut out the number of sheets needed when using it. Easy to cut by hand without scissors. ~
●This is a seal that will remind drivers to handle luggage. This is an important package, so you can use the tag sticker that fits your purpose

[Tenchi no need]



[Do not use a cutter]


We carry various kinds of luggage stickers in our store. Because it is a precious package, you can attach the luggage sticker to suit your purpose, so you can also alert the driver to alert you.