Feature(may vary by option.)

●Body size of cover bag: flat measurements: width 11.4 x height 16.5 inches (29 x 42 cm)
●(Compatible Size) When storing white urns: 5 inches (15.5 cm) (Base Diameter x Height): 7.1 inches (18 cm)), When inserting each hexagon bag, 4 size hex bag (approx. W 6.3 inches (16 cm) x 5.7 inches (14.5 cm) x 10.0 inches (25.5 cm)

[[S] Compatible with hexagonal bags 2.3 inches or smaller]

[(М) Hexagonal bag for 3 inches]

[[L] Compatible with 4 inch hexagonal bags]


Cool organza bone cover with angel wings and rainbow bridge print cute This urn cover can be placed directly without covering the 3-size urn (hex bag), and looks great and protects it from dust and dirt.