Feature(may vary by option.)

●Band Material: Nylon Width: 0.6 inch (15 mm)
●Product Contents: 1. Long band with buckle; Length: 47.2 inches (120 cm): 2 pieces
●Product Contents: 2. Band with rings, 8.3 inches (21 cm) long (1 fixing bracket included) x 2
●Product Contents: 3. Heel band length: 27.6 inches (70 cm) (2 fixing fittings included) 2 pieces
●Original Country: Japan




This product is a set of two pairs of bands that attach to your wakan. If the wakan band is broken, you can replace it and repair it. Wakan unit is not included. For added convenience, the fixing hardware has been changed from the clamps to the extent. (2023/03/31)