Feature(may vary by option.)

●[Materials] Outer / Resin part: Polyurethane; Fiber parts: Nylon, polyurethane
●Inner / Fiber part: Acrylic, polyurethane, other
●Cuff/Cuff: Polyester
●Cord: Natural rubber, polyester
●Weight: M / 55g L / 60g LL / 73g

[LL size]


1. Breathable and waterproof feature prevents stuffiness, with a special polyurethane coating that combines moisture permeability and waterproofing. Reduces stuffiness by releasing sweat and other moisture to the outer part of the gloves. 2. Water-proof: The resin coating is coated with waterproof polyurethane to prevent water from entering. 3. "soft" even in sub-zero weather thanks to the unique coating resin and backing fabric that has excellent flexibility. In addition, the gloves maintain their softness even in temperatures of -140°F (-60°C). 4. Lightweight and easy to carry; Product design utilizes the features of materials to make it lightweight.