Feature(may vary by option.)

●Flash Size Options: Development board provides two optional flash sizes (4MB and 8MB) for storage. This gives you plenty of space to store codes, data and other resources with the ability to choose the best capacity for your project requirements. Furassh
●BREADBOARD FRIENDLY: Compact form factor and breadboard friendly design makes it easy to create and experiment with prototypes of various circuits and components
●OPEN SOURCE: Development boards are built with the open source principles in mind to allow access to schematic drawings, design files and documents. This allows you to change and customize the board according to your specific needs
●EXTENSIVE SOFTWARE SUPPORT: The RP2040 chip has a vibrant and active community that ensures full use of a wide variety of software libraries, samples and resources. This support accelerates the development process and makes ideas quick
●RP2040 Chip: Development board is equipped with RP2040 microcontroller, the same chip used in Raspberry Pi Pico. Provides excellent performance and flexibility in a wide range of applications

[EP-0175 -8GB]

[EP-0175 -4GB-2pack]




The RP2040 Plus is a RP2040 based development board that is compatible with the Raspberry Pi Pico pin layout. This development board is designed to provide an enhanced experience for users familiar with the Raspberry Pi Pico while providing additional features for convenience and flexibility.



RP2040 Chip: Development board is equipped with RP2040 microcontroller, the same chip used in Raspberry Pi Pico. Provides excellent performance and flexibility in a wide range of applications.

PIN AROUND COMPATIBILITY: This board has the same pin array as Raspberry Pi Pico so you can seamlessly transition your project from Pico to this development board without any modification.

Reset Button: An additional reset button is included on the board to provide a convenient way to reset RP2040 chip without physically disconnecting and reconnecting.

BOOT CHOICE BUTTON: This board has a boot selection button, you can easily switch between different boot modes, such as USB High Capacity Storage, USB CDC Serial and Custom Boot Modes.

Test LED: On-board LED is connected to GP25 to provide visual indicator for testing and debugging purposes. Control the LED directly through the software to provide feedback or monitor specific conditions.

Flash Size Options: Development board provides two optional flash sizes (4MB and 8MB) for storage. This gives you plenty of space to store codes, data and other resources with the ability to choose the best capacity for your project requirements.

EXTENSION OPTIONS: This board comes with additional pins and headers for connecting external components, sensors, or expansion boards. This makes it easy to integrate peripherals and customize projects.

BREADBOARD FRIENDLY: Compact form factor and breadboard friendly design makes it easy to create and experiment with prototypes of various circuits and components.

OPEN SOURCE: Development boards are built with the open source principles in mind to allow access to schematic drawings, design files and documents. This allows you to change and customize the board according to your specific needs.

EXTENSIVE SOFTWARE SUPPORT: The RP2040 chip has a vibrant and active community that ensures full use of a wide variety of software libraries, samples and resources. This support accelerates the development process and makes ideas quick



Chipset: RP2040

Package Type: QFN56

Substrate Type: FR4

Keys: Boot/Reset

Pin: Official PICO compatible

Pitch: Official PICO, compatible with 2.54MM PITCH

Flash Size Capacity: 4MB/8MB/16MB (Optional)

Flash Footprint: Standard


Package Contents

1 x RP2040 Plus Development Board

2 x 20 pin headers

1 x 3 Pin Debug Pin Header