Feature(may vary by option.)

●Developed in collaboration between Nishikawa and Berluna
●Designed to be gentle on the shoulders and neck. Fits perfectly in gaps!
●Arch Structure: Fits gently on the shoulders and neck, allowing for smooth turning and turning
●Neck Height: 1.2 - 1.6 inches (3 - 4 cm); Supports the head and cervical vertebrae, supporting the ideal sleeping position

[white approx. 55×35]


[Jointly developed by Nishikawa and Berluna] Feel of order! The ideal sleeping pillow is easy for anyone! Pillow that doesnt fit in height also causes insomnia. Easy to adjust and enjoy a good nights sleep with the ideal pillow! The sides are made of mesh fabric that is breathable. The soft fit is made of thick micro cotton. Choose your height. Self-adjustable Choose from firmness. Hard front and soft back