
●Length: 93.4 inches (2365 mm)
●Guides: SiC Ocean Guide + Stainless Frame K Guide (Fuji) Specifications
●Reel Seat: DPS18 (Fuji)
●Compatible spinning reel guide: D 4000 - 6000 / S 6000 - 14000
●This technical rod combines a light cast feel with lure maneuverability. The new blank design combines 3 power glass tips and 4 power glass bats, has been extremely popular since the release of 2014, and is fully compatible with the 20kg class tuna and 20kg class blue. The potential is unequaled by raising 6.1 lbs (30 kg) of blue-tuna during testing
●Target: For fish that are less than 33.1 lbs (15 kg)
●Lures: Various plugs


The Blue Sniper Boat Casting model has been renewed since 2015 and has received many anglers for its cast and fighting potential. In order to support the current blue casting game that dive pencils are the main main one, it has a delicate and hard to bounce tips that enhance the lure operation and also sharpens the distance throw. The blank is one of the best points of the current Yamaga Blanks. Of course, butt power is sufficient, but it is not a "hard = strong" format, but it is designed with a "bending = floating" pattern that reduces anglers power loss due to smooth power transition. The offshore casting rod series has been made to pursue something that is necessary to catch the big hiramasa tuna, and not only the fight but the process of hanging it up. Enjoy the Blue Sniper Boat Casting with your hands from Katsuo Shira to the Hugge Huaramasa Tuna.