Feature(may vary by option.)

●#67 in Kids Safety Reflectors

[Basketball Roller Skates]

[Basketball  & Cheese]

[baseball basketball]

[Roller Skate Cheese]

[baseball cheese]


The character "Mouse ANDY" is a popular illustrator Seiji Matsumoto that of Japan and abroad. It can be worn at night and is cute to wear. ANDY reflector of rats This item reflects the lights of your car and prevents traffic accidents that show the presence of pedestrians. As a focal point of your bag, you can wear it as an accessory as well. Use it for a variety of occasions such as commuting to work or school, shopping, walking your pet, running, etc. Recommended as a small gift for your family or friends. Size: Baseball, Roller Skates, Cheese: Approx. 2.0 x 1.6 inches (5 x 4 cm); Basket: Approx. 1.6 x 2.8 inches (4 x 7 cm); Material: PVC (polyvinyl). Made in China.