Feature(may vary by option.)

●Quantity: 3

[AK03 Red Tiger]

[AK05 Pink Orange Tiger]

[AK02 Orange Red Tiger]

[AK01 Pink Clear]


ECOGEAR AQURABA RIG KUWASE / Acura Regulation Ske; Quantity: 3 pcs; This playful bream lava is a “Acra-Regig Excase” that incorporates the elements that have been required for the ever-evolving. The Baitkeeper and Original Hook System are also inherited from the Acra-Reg, to keep the "Aged Tylaba Aqua" that boasts a high fish collecting power. The head, rubber, and hook are also equipped with continuous use rubber parts that allow all parts to be separated, so you can quickly respond to the situation that changes every time. The hooks are designed to support the jammy and short bites, and the flexible PE line, so they are highly effective in low activity, which cannot be brought to hook up.