Feature(may vary by option.)

●Size: 1.7"
●Quantity: 8

[C-15 Ami Red]

[C-24 Silver Powder Okiami Glow]

[C-25 Silver Powder Orange Glow]

[C-17 Nano Lamecart]

[C-18 Nano Lame Glow Pink]

[C-6 Ochiami]

[Clear C-1]

[C-16 Nano-Lame Shaku]

[C-8 Muranago]

[C-23 Silver Powder UV]

[C-22 Gold Powder Chart UV]

[C-19 Nano Lamé Glow Okiami]

[C-21 Gold Powder Clear UV]


Ultra-fine wave system, captivating pintail. The unique warping body allows you to hide the tip of the needle to be very effective, and the tail is shaken and the rear wave position is moved to give you a more clear bite.