Feature(may vary by option.)

●#660 in Mens Activewear Vests

[PUMA Black]


Product Description

Product Introduction: A comfortable acrylic wool v-neck sweater vest with a pop of seasonal graphic that expresses a tricolor color scheme. This knit vest can be combined with various items such as bags and other accessories and caps that use the same seasonal graphics. Puma is a sports brand that was born in Germany in 1948, with its debut in shoes and bags in 1999, adding clothing to the market since 2006, and it continues to offer a variety of products in its own style, and the likelihood fowler and Lexy Thompson, to introduce the brands identity. MA will always be With the mission of "PUMA WILL BE THE FASTEST SPORTS BRAND IN THE WORLD." Puma has been debuted in 1999 in a sports brand that was born in Germany in 1948, with shoes and bags in 1999, adding clothing to the market and captured in the field in 2006. It is unmatched, unique style and a variety of different As we continue to offer our products, we welcome the advisory staff, such as Ricky Fowler and Lexy Thompson, and deliver the brands identity, Puma will continue to challenge the future. Puma will be the FASTEST SPORTS BRAND IN THE WORLD.

PUMAは今後も常に挑戦する姿勢を崩さず、“PUMA WILL BE THE FASTEST SPORTS BRAND IN THE WORLD."「世界最速のブランドになる」をブランドミッションに掲げ、“PUMAらしさ"を追い求めて行く

PUMAは今後も常に挑戦する姿勢を崩さず、“PUMA WILL BE THE FASTEST SPORTS BRAND IN THE WORLD."「世界最速のブランドになる」をブランドミッションに掲げ、“PUMAらしさ"を追い求めて行く