Feature(may vary by option.)

●Made of high quality carbon fiber aluminum material for long lasting durability
●Carbon fiber material that lightens the total weight, produces exceptional buoyancy compared to existing solid arm type float systems and its hollow arm body design
●The hollow arm body not only assists in weight adjustment, but also provides additional buoyancy
●This particular arm is perfect for both macro photography and wide angle shooting
●Perfect for shore activity photos or diving in 100m water

[10.82 inches]

[8.86 inch]

[12.79 inches]


Specifications: Material: Carbon fiber, aluminum alloy; Buoyancy: 10.6 oz (300 g); Product Size: 8.9 x 2.4 x 2.4 inches (22.5 x 6 x 6 cm); Weight: 6.3 oz (185 g).