
●#359 in Womens Pendants & Coins


Moldavite is a natural glass that melts and forms the elements of terrestrial substances and meteorite due to the massive amount of heat and impact that occurs when a meteorite falls.
It is said to be formed from a meteorite dropped in Nertringen, Bavaria, about 1500 years ago. It was named Moldavite because it was first discovered in the Moldau River Bin Czechoslovakia.
Meaning: Evolution of awareness, healing
Moldavite is known as a healing stone known for its healing properties.

Japanese name: Meteorite
Origin: Africa (Namibia).
Stone Language: Strengthen your intention
Gibeon is a Meteorite (Meteorite) mainly made of iron and nickel when discovered in 1936 in Gibeon, the Republic of Namibia (Africa) in 1936.
It is believed to have fallen to Earth about 45 million years ago.
In Japan, meteorite has been used to represent the astronomy, and to be used in deities and festivals.