
●The product name and JAN have been changed
●The sales page has moved, so please search for "Paper Hot Silky " or ASIN "B07HWT798S"


Antivirus towel/silk-like paper towels.
Product Name: VB Silk Farm Premium Chocolat
Manufacturer: FSX Co., Ltd.
Primary paper: non-woven
Size: 11.0 x 10.4 inches (280 x 2
Packaging Standard: 7.0 x 2.0 inches (177 x 52
Quantity: 1 pack (100 pieces)

● Calm and chic chocolate brown packaging
Formulated with highly anti-virus and antibacterial effects.
Avoid the binder smell that is unique to non-woven towels and has a odorless towel while maintaining hygiene.
Made of a special non-woven material, it is durable and resistant to pulling and stretching.
The towel size is larger than the size of the towel so it is easy to wipe clean.

Information *We also sell silk farm premium, the sister product in the same size and white package.