Feature(may vary by option.)

●Pure Titanium, Japanese Sake Chacco, Anodized, Metal Speckled
●It is not a solid color anodized, it is a speckled gold color
●Weight: 0.9 oz (25 g); Width: 2.3 inches (59 mm); Height: 1.3
●Since it is pure titanium, it will not corrode permanently and unlike ceramics, it will not break like ceramics, so you can use it for a long time
●Titanium anodizing process is colored for titanium products, unlike dyeing and painting, without adding any components to color it

[blue color]



[Silver Speckled]


■ Pure Titanium Japanese Sake Chacco, Anodized, Metal Speckled
It is not a single color anodized, it is a speckled green color.

★Weight: 25g Width 59mm Height 32mm

★Pure titanium is anodized, gleaming in speckled gold Since it is pure titanium, it will not corrode permanently and unlike ceramics, it will not break like ceramics, so you can use it for a long time. Dishwasher safe.

> ■Titanium anodizing process is colored titanium products, unlike dyeing and painting, without adding any ingredients to color it.
Titanium surface creates an interfering color to create a variety of colors.
Titanium anodizing properties include:
1.Metal shiny and shiny in various colors.
2. Anodized film is weather and corrosion resistant.
3. Anodizing does not use any coloring ingredients, so it is safe for coloring dishes and other items.