Feature(may vary by option.)

●#72 in Medical Procedure Masks

[3D-White (Small face Middle school and above 19.4cm) 32]

[3D-White (Small face Middle school students and above 19.4cm) 30]

[3D (super large) black x string black 30]

[3D (super large) gray x string black 30]

[3D (slightly large) black x black string 30]

[3D (super large) gray x string greige 30]

[3D-White (Small face Middle school students and above 19.4cm) 100]

[3D (super large) white x navy 30]

[3D (super large) white x string white 30]

[3D-White (for children junior high school students and below 17cm) 32]

[3D (super large) greige x string navy 30]

[3D-White (Small face Middle school students and above 19.4cm) 50]


Brodio マスク 小さめ 立体 バイカラー「小さめ/大きめ」3d立体構造 不織布マスク 子供用 女性用 男性用「フィット感UP·流行りのカラー」柔らかい素材 肌にやさしい 息がしやすい 耳が痛くならない 通気性 [日本カケンテスト認証済み] 飛沫対策 花粉用 小顔 マスク 3dマスク 小さめマスク 大きめマスク 使い捨て 男女兼用