Feature(may vary by option.)

●Active array size: 640x480, global shutter.
●Output formats: 8bit RAW BW and 10 bit RAW BW.
●Frame rate: 158fps.
●Optical coupled isolated external trigger input and flash output support
●Support 4 work mode, Software trigger input support,driver feature support: gain, exposure, hflip, vflip





Key Features: 1, active array size: 640x480 ,global shutter. 2, output formats: 8bit RAW BW and 10 bit RAW BW. 3, Frame rate: 158fps. 4, Optical coupled isolated external trigger input and flash output support 5, Support 4 work mode: A,8 bit stream mode B,10bit stream mode C,8bit external Mode D, 10. bit external trigger mode Work on 8bit stream mode by default. 6, Software trigger input support. 7, driver feature support : gain, exposure, hflip, vflip 8, Provide GPL Linux 5.15.32 driver source code. Quick Start: step1, download from our wiki (please follow our instuction send with s) Stepker2, driver compliant. nel header by: "$sudo apt-get install raspberrypi-kernel-headers" 2.2,Compile the driver source code "$sudo make" 2.3,Install the driver "$sudo make install" step2, "sudo nano /boot/config.txt", add "dtoverlay=vc_mipi_ov7251" to the last line; : if you use pi. 0, use "sudo nano /boot/config.txt",add "dtoverlay=vc_mipi_ov7251,i2c_pins_28_29=1" to the last line instead; Step3, "ls /dev/video*" Step4, Open /video0 device in VLC