Feature(may vary by option.)

●Size: 2.7 inches (68
●Weight: 1.1 oz (30 g)
●Hook: <Front> #8 | <Rear> #6
●Center Balance
●"Switch-off" Oil Removal Action

[PNK Pink Zebra 30g]

[MPC Matte Peach 40g]

[DTM Daytime Mint 30g]

[RSG Real Back Black 30g]

[MOR Matte Orange 30g]

[MML Matte Melon 30g]

[MLM Matte Lemon 30g]

[APG Appeal Pin 40g]


It rises from a medium throw, and at its speed it creates a jurry action like a sinking pencil. In flat games where speed action is important, we have realized a new zone, which is only available in center balanced metal jigs. Keep that area out of reach It rises from a medium throw that you want to roll up a little more speed and give you the jurry action of a sinking pencil. In flat games where speed range action is important, we have realized a new zone, which is only available in center balanced metal jigs. Swimming like an oiled bait with a switch off state and looks great on a flirty. This product is a genuine Nagana part, and you can expect a fine rubbing speed. Nakasanobario Katoku Katsu, Tsukyoku Sangeki Katsu, Tsukyoku Sangeki Katsukuru Katsukuru Katsukuru Operating speed, operational operational operation: Among the storytelling and equilibrious center. Statues: 100% grease-free swimming figure and 100% of the gold wave gathering.