Feature(may vary by option.)

[Drop Checker + Indicator Fluid 15ml]

[Indicator fluid 15ml only]


Package Includes:

1. Glass drop checker

2. CO2 indicator fluid 0.5 fl oz (15 ml).

3. Kissing rubber x 1

This glassware allows you to check the concentration of CO2 in the aquarium, in liquid color.Simply add reagents and breeding water into the aquarium, and the liquid color changes to blue, green, and yellow depending on the amount of CO2 additives, and the light composition of the aquatic herbs.Ideal for co2 additives.

If the aquarium pH is low and it turns yellow from the beginning, the liquid color will not change even when you add CO2.In that case, change the water tank to raise the pH, and set it in a blue or green liquid color before placing it in the aquarium.

Just install it inside the aquarium, you can know the CO2 concentration in the reagent color.


Green ColorGreen Color

Blue ColorBlue Color

CO2 Hyper is Yellow

CO2 appropriate amounts are green

Blue color for CO2 lack

How to use





Attach the kissing rubber and hold the body upside down.

Do not dilute the reagent liquid to about 1/2 of the refillable hole.

Tilt the body and move the reagent fluid into the recharge hole.Turn the gas inlet downward.

Place the reagent on the wall of the aquarium with a kissing rubber to prevent the reagent from leaking.