
●This product is intended for those with strong wound points that cant measure their nail size properly, and those with thin nails or prone to chips
●The size of the corrector is S, M, L, and is available in three sizes: S=0.6 - 0.7 inches (16 - 19.5 mm), M=0.7 - 0.9 inches (19.5 - 23 mm), L=0.9 - 1.0 inches (23 - 26.5 mm)
●Please measure your fingernail size "curve length from end to end including the wrap" and find the right size for your fingernail from the size chart in the image list. If you can not measure your nail size correctly, please buy this product or trial set which includes 3 types of S, M, L and so on, you can actually wear it to determine the size that fits you
●Color is pink gold
●When considering your first purchase or size selection, please measure the length of the curve from the end of your nail including the rolled part. Since we offer a free measuring seal that can be attached to your nails, please contact a-fine-hearts@shikahama.co.jp to "wish for a measuring sticker". Patented/Approved for Type 3 Medical Devices Reistration Number: 13B3X1015700015


Product description

The claw block is a product that has been developed as a nail correction tool that uses industrial springs that have absolute reliability.
This product is a method of attaching the corrector on both sides of the nail, so the corrector can float both ends of the nail.
You can use this product at home with authentic nail correction similar to the orthodontic method used in hospitals and foot salons.
In order to accommodate a variety of nails, there are 5 types of sizes, SS, S, MS, M, L. Correction Force: Normal, Hard, Super Hard, Ultra Hard.
You can choose the one that fits your nails perfectly.
In addition, there may be individual differences, but you can expect immediate effect by bathing your nails (foot bath or half bath) while wearing this product.
Try it!
Set of Full Set of Snail Blocks SML Size Normal Types Included
Small size correction tool (normal) x 1, Medium size correction tool (normal) x 1, Large correction tool (normal) x 1, Cover 5 sheets x 2, measuring sticker x 1, mounting tool x 1, medical device certificate x 1, instruction manual x 1
Please note that we may not be able to fulfill the Amazon specifications for the package and so please be careful when placing your order.

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