
●Yamaha Kii Oil Heavy KOH3 is used between kiposts and keyboards and inside keyboards to prevent rust and wear
●Long lasting oil film prevents rust on inner surfaces and core metals
●100% synthetic oil for a light and smooth kii touch that lasts longer
●High viscosity suitable for saxophone, fagot etc. 20ml capacity
●20ml capacity


Add to the improved oil ingredients 100% chemical and synthetic oils and gently smooth kiitatti is lasts for a long time.
No rust inhibitors for added tone inner and the core to protect from rust.
The capacity of the oil 8ml from 20ml to increase, it will value you can count on.
* Each of our oils are compatible with the following musical instrument suitable for all ages.
Light (L) --- Piccolo, flute and oboe
Medium (M) --- clarinet
heヴxi- (H) --- saxophone, bassoon