Feature(may vary by option.)

●DELATA Delta Cleat SPEC
●Bi-material cleats are made from two types of materials of silicone and polyamide
●Smooth floating and durable at the same time
●Fixed black 0°




If you start to have any sort of problems with look pedals, a new cleat will be ordered by a doctor or almost always always. How do you wear the cleats? Walking on them is one way, not to be clipped inside and out thousands of times throughout the year of the stop with red signal. Co-molded teflon toe and heel inserts are constructed from polyamide nylon, they will continue from the previous generation of the cleats that look longer and they will work and remove with virtually less friction, and they will be as quiet as you do. One very important note about the look bi-material cleats: they come in two styles. If you have a Keopedal system, you will need to buy keo-specific cleats. If you have other styles of look pedals, you will need to choose Delta Cleats for any model - any year. KeoCleats are not compatible with any look pedal system except Keo. Delta Cleats are compatible with all look pedal systems except Keo. Keo Cleats are available in two options: one is a "red" cleat that allows 9 degrees of rotating float. "Grey" cleats allow 4 5 degrees of other rotating floats. You get 2 cleats along with all the hardware to secure them in your shoes.