

Sunflower Hair Hooks: The sunflower hair hooks bloom in full bloom. Do you think this flower grows larger than a persons height and blooms towards the sun in the hot midsummer? Not only is it useful when wearing a yukata, but it also has a chic gold and brown design that can be used all year round. The subtle brown glass cut is attractive. The flower language, "I only see you". It also makes a great gift for those who are born in Brand: Palnart Poc (formerly Brough Superior) accessories are packed with a lot of small stories. "Gentle Design" This product series is designed to be gentle for everyone who receives a product. It is unique and can be enjoyed beyond the occasion and outfit. Its rich variety is characterized by its variety. The shape is finely detailed and carefully shaped on the back that becomes invisible. The soft and gentle colors have a warm atmosphere that looks like it was out of a picture book. That is why each of the accessories that make you happy just look at them, they are named with care from the maker. If you find one of your favorites, please remember the name. The name of the girl, the name that you can hear the storytelling on the back, and the simple animals name, all are adorable. Your fashion groomsmen with love. You will find your favorite. Every accessory is hand-painted by artisans who care about manufacturing in Japan. Why not enjoy and style with this cute Punart Poc accessory from Palnart Poc?