
●Paper Size Thickness: A4-size 8.3 x 11.6 inches (21 x 29.7 cm); Paper Thickness: Approx. 0.004 inch (0.12 mm); Tsubo: 2.5 oz (70 g/m2)
●Quantity: 100 sheets.
●About Washi: This is a fine art washi paper with fibers sprayed on the surface of a washi paper. It has a beautiful and warm white finish that is unique to washi paper. Echizen washi paper boasting a thousand years of tradition.
●Recommendation: Use it for yourself or as a warm little gift. It is lightweight and does not add bulk, so it is also a great souvenir for overseas use.
●Country of Origin: Japan

[Gift paper A4 awarded 100 pieces]

[Dairei paper B5 size 50 sheets]

[Gift paper A4 awarded 25 pieces]

[Gift paper B4 awarded 50 pieces]

[Dairei paper B5 size 100 sheets]

[Gift paper B4 awarded 100 pieces]

[Tairigami B5 size 25 sheets]


和の質感と柄をお求めの方におすすめです。御礼状、挨拶状、お品書きやPOP、便箋として幅広くお使い頂けます。日本らしい和風の仕上がりです。和紙の表面に楮(こうぞ)の繊維を散らした大礼紙は日本を代表する美術和紙です。紙の厚みは坪量約0.12㎜ 70g/㎡ございます。各種プリンターに対応しておりますが、一般的にインクジェットプリンタご使用の際は顔料インクをお使いいただけますとにじみにくいとされております。日本製