

[Basic gripper set [with manufacturers warranty] 24cm]

[Basic single item [with manufacturers warranty] 20cm]

[Iron pot and gripper set [with manufacturers warranty] 20cm]

[Basic gripper set [with manufacturers warranty] 22cm]

[Basic single item [with manufacturers warranty] 22cm]

[Basic gripper set [with manufacturers warranty] 20cm]

[General item 20cm]

[Iron pot and gripper set [with manufacturers warranty] 24cm]

[Iron pot single item [with manufacturers warranty] 24cm]

[Basic single item [with manufacturers warranty] 28cm]

[Basic gripper set [with manufacturers warranty] 18cm]

[Basic gripper set [with manufacturers warranty] 16cm]

[Basic gripper set [with manufacturers warranty] 28cm]

[Basic single item [with manufacturers warranty] 18cm]

[Basic single item [with manufacturers warranty] 24cm]

[Basic gripper set [with manufacturers warranty] 26cm]

[Basic single item [with manufacturers warranty] 16cm]

[Basic single item [with manufacturers warranty] 26cm]

[Iron pot single item [with manufacturers warranty] 20cm]


Product description

「作る」も「食べる」もこれ一つ!オールマイティに使える、持ち手の無い新感覚の鉄フライパン。 千葉県にある鉄フライパンメーカー「リバーライト社」によって生産されている「極シリーズ」は焦げにくく、錆びにくい、空焼きも必要ない、夢のような鉄のフライパンとして有名です。コチラ「極SONS COCOpan」は日本の調理器具メーカーCOCO (ここ)とリバーライト社のコラボレーションによって誕生した、極シリーズの末っ子的な存在。持ち手が付いていないのが特徴です。鉄のお皿のようなデザインは大きさ違いで重ねてコンパクトに収納できます。かさばらず、持ち運びにも便利なのでアウトドアシーンでも大活躍!焼く、炒める、煮る、茹でる、揚げるなど、これ一つで幅広いお料理が作れます。ガス台はもちろん、IHクッキングヒーター、オーブン、炭など電子レンジ以外のあらゆる熱源に対応しています。例えば、オーブンや魚焼きグリル、小さいサイズならトースターにそのまま入れての加熱もOK。そしてお料理が出来上がったら、アツアツをそのまま食卓に運び「さぁ召し上がれ!」が言えます。「つくる人」も「食べる人」も美味しくてみんな幸せな笑顔になること間違いなしの鉄フライパンです。※持ち手は別売りになります。表面に施された特殊熱処理により、錆びにくく空炊きも不要。 プロの料理人も使用している鉄フライパン。高温に強く熱伝導に優れており、熱をしっかり蓄え食材に熱をたっぷり伝えるので、炒め物はシャキッと、焼き物は香ばしく美味しいお料理が出来上がります。丈夫で傷にも強いので長く使っていける一生ものとして人気があります。しかし中には「面倒そう」、「敷居が高そう」と思っている人もいるのではないでしょうか?「極SONS COCOpan」は使いやすさを重視しています。本来錆びやすい鉄のフライパンですが、表面に窒化鉄層と酸化鉄層の特殊熱処理を施す事で、鉄のフライパンの良さはそのまま、お手入れが簡単に。面倒な空焚きは不要なので毎日気軽にご使用いただけます。


●リバーライトとのコラボレーションで商品化した極SONS 第一弾、COCOpanシリーズ
●底面 12.5cm

From the Manufacturer

The "Ultra SONS COCOCOPan" handle is removable, and can be used in a versatile manner.

"Pole SONS COCOCOpan" was born in collaboration with River Light.Although this iron frying pan is naturally easy to rust, it is made with a special heat treatment (iron nitride) to maintain the good quality of the iron pans.The frying pan with removable handle is not bulky and can be nested in different sizes for convenient storage.With this one, you can make delicious meals of your iron skillet, whether you are outdoors or indoors.

You will feel the quality of iron.Frying pan that will make you feel like it grows.

Cast iron skillet for professional chefsThe secret to delicious cooking is that it can store plenty of heat while allowing you to cook at high temperatures and in short periods of time.It leaves a juicy finish without missing the taste.And the more you use it, the oil will become better and easier to use.

Since it can be used without worrying about rust,

We have undergone special processing processing, so we want to make iron cookware easy to use even at home.It is a heat treatment called nitrideNitride is also processed for automotive parts, such as nitrogen is filled and filled with iron in a kiln that is heated above 140°F (600°C), and then infused with nitrogen on the surface to make it rust resistant and strong.This process makes cookware nearly 5 times stronger than regular steel plates and has no worry about rust when easily cared for.

It is so convenient that there is no handle.

A skillet that is rare in a cast iron frying pan.Do you feel a lot of handles in the way of cooking, or have you ever hungry on the stove? With COCOpan, you can attach the handle only when you need it, so its efficient and convenient.Without the handle, it can be placed in a fish grill or oven and served hot dishes.In addition, it can be stored and washed in the sink.There are 2 handles, L-shaped can be used for frying pans, frying, premier, grilling, iron pots, and flat type for morning.

Cook & Serve for a delicious moment

Professional iron skillet has crispy vegetables and the meat has a nice scent on the surface, and the inside is fluffy.Because it is a frying pan that you use every day, we want to make it easy to use.COCOpan solves the weak points of iron skilletsThe iron surface is nitized so it is rust and non-stick than previous iron pans.Also, there is no need to worry about "air-yaki" that was difficult to start using.Maintenance is very easy even if burned.After use, wash thoroughly with a scrubber, and dry thoroughly.Before use, just apply the oil sufficiently to use.Since it has no handle, it can be placed in a fish grill or oven, and it will look like a dish after cooking.Compact enough to be stored without being bulky.Not only can it be used with gas fires but also induction systems.It can be used for all kinds of purposes, such as frying cooking, baking, boiling and steaming.

Perfect for bold outdoor cooking! Can be used for smoking and light Dutch ovens

One of the best things about iron is that it is durable and long lasting.The material can withstand temperatures even higher than the temperature of about 396°F (180°C).The COCOpan is reliable for use even with strong fire power outdoors.It has a wide variety of sizes and can be carried over and over according to the usage and number of people.Also, since there is no handle, you can use the cooked pan as it is.Depending on your ideas, you can enjoy your meals outside with a lightweight Dutch oven or smoked recipes.

C101-006 C102-004 C103-002 C106-002 C105-002 C108-001
Type Basic Frying Pan fried pot Premier grille Morning Iron Pot
Size: 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26.0, 28cm 7.9, 8.7, 9.4, 10.2, 11.0, 11.0 inches (20, 9.4, 10.2, 11.0 inches (24, 2 S, M, L 8.3, 9.1, 10.2 inches (21, 23 20cm
Features Can be used for all mighty activities such as baking and frying.Great for outdoor activities as well as everyday dinners.7 size variations from 6.3 to 11.0 inches (16 to 28 cm).It can be used for a wide range of occasions, from a single person to a family main dish. Perfect for fried rice or fried vegetables, or anything else you want to finish with a crisp finish.In addition to frying dishes, it can also be used to expand the range of dishes such as pots and smoking. 3.2mm bottom and solid board thickness.Excellent heat resistance and heat dissipation.Premium thick bottom is ideal for meats such as steaks and roast beefs. The shape is "egg-grilled pan, but it can also be used in fish grills and toasters.On a busy morning, place eggs or sausage, toss it in a toaster and prepare breakfast with this one. Frying eggs or bacon at one time and serve it like a dish from an outdoor dish.The shape makes it easy to bake crepes and pancakes.Place charcoal on top of the COCOpan iron pot lid for lightweight Dutch oven. This is a versatile pot for family cooking, baking, frying, simmering and more.Use COCOpan Morning as a lid for added versatility.