
●Compatible models: Compatible with November 2015 - August 22, 2017 and Air Loop Profiers from September 22 to March 2017
●Vehicle processing required for driver side with mirror heater installed
●Corner panel material: ABS
●This is a replacement type that removes the original factory rather than the cover type
●The included bulb is a service product, so please prepare it separately in the event that the bulb is out of stock. Mounting screws and screws are not included, so please prepare them separately


Product description

Compatible models: Compatible with November 2015 - August 22, 2017 and Air Loop Profiers from September 22 to March 2017.
Vehicle processing required for driver side with mirror heater installed.

Corner panel material: ABS
This is a replacement type that removes the original factory rather than the cover type.

The included bulb is a service product, so please prepare it separately in the event that the bulb is out of stock.
Mounting screws and screws are not included, so please prepare them separately.


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