Feature(may vary by option.)

●■ Size: W 17.7 x H 13.8 inches (45 x 35 cm) [Complies with the legal size of contractor card sign! ]
●■Surface plate: 5mm high transparent acrylic plate ■Back plate: 1mm black stainless steel plate
●■Accessories: Cosmetic screw set
●After purchase email: Please copy this and use it by [topkanban.com@gmail.com]. ■Construction permit card ■Business name or name: ■Representative name: representative director ★Specified ■Authorization construction: ■Authorization number : ■Permission date of date: ★General ■Authorization number : ■Construction business operating at this store: ※It will automatically cancel if there is no posting or contact within 3 days after purchase. Thank you for your understanding
●Note: UV printing processing, even in many permission industries


After purchase email: Please copy this and use it by [topkanban.com@gmail.com]. ■Construction permit card ■Business name or name: ■Representative name: representative director ★Specified ■Authorization construction: ■Authorization number : ■Permission date of date: ★General ■Authorization number : ■Construction business operating at this store: ※It will automatically cancel if there is no posting or contact within 3 days after purchase. Thank you for your understanding.