Feature(may vary by option.)

●Usable drain diameter is 3.7 inches (9.5 cm), 4.0 inches (10.2 cm), 4.1 inches (10.4 cm), 4.3 inches (10.9 cm), 5.0 inches (12.9 cm). Compatible with most domestic manufacturers including TOTO, INAX, Panasonic (Matsushita Electrician), Sekisui Home Techno, Tostem, Takara Standard, Hitachi House Tech, Yamaha, Cleanup, Sunwave, etc
●Water flow is generated at the drain of the bath, and the hair rolls up and can be discarded. Just as the name suggests, the hair twirling poi Collect hair and poi
●The new type is antibacterial and made with ECO-material for hygiene. Upgraded. 2x the amount of water flow → easier drainage. 1.4 times the amount of water → More hair curled. The bottom has a uneven bottom to flow easily into soap scum
●Type: ECO for Unit Bath (Antibacterial)

[ECO for Unit Bath (Antibacterial)]

[For tiled bathrooms]

[For Unit Bath]

[For basin]
