Feature(may vary by option.)

●The price is for a single item
●Extendable on both sides of 0.9 - 1.0 inches (22 - 2
●Clothesline Laundry Laundry Anti-slip Clothesline Rod, Stylish, Clothesline Rod, Grip, 6.6 ft (2.5 m) or more



Product Description

The length can be adjusted by 4.9 - 8.5 ft (1.5 - 2.5 m).
The extended type allows it to be divided into a compact space when not in use.
The stripe part is a grip type, so it is difficult to slip.
Safe and rust-resistant made in Japan. So you can use it for a long time without worry.
Load Capacity: Approx. 22.0 lbs (10 kg). (per piece)

Legal Disclaimer

Depending on the inventory status, we may ship the product that runs out in the middle rather than one piece. In that case, the shortest stretch size will be 4.9 ft (1.5 m). Strength and specification are not the same. Rest assured