Feature(may vary by option.)

●Product Number: 520DZ2; Color: Gold & Black; Joint: ZJ (Clamme) type

[Clip Joint]

[Cassis joint]


Product Description

Superior durability beyond the non-seal.
Greatly improved in strength and abrasion resistance compared to the Standard Series.

ZJ Joint for 520DZ
(This product is for joint only)

★D.I.D Chain Joint Symbol Description
Joint strength is RJ>FJ>ZJ.
We recommend using ZJ joints.
RJ (clip type): You can work with pliers and pliers.
FJ (clip type with light pressure): Use "Kashamaru-kun" when plate pressure is entered. You can work with pliers or pliers after pressing it.
ZJ (Clay Type): Plate pressure is inserted and uses Kashimaru-kun

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