Feature(may vary by option.)

●This Japanese kometsue set contains natural antibacterial agents (scallop shell component) and rice resin derived from rice
●Contains 33 pieces of assorted shapes and gentle colors
●Comes with shapes and sound pieces that are easy for babies to hold and can be played for years to come
●Includes cute bump shaped like Anpanman and Baikin-man. (sound pieces)
●Perfect for gift needs
●(C) Takashi Yanase / Froebel-kan, TMS, NTV

[Wrapping Bag Boots]

[Single Item]


Product Description

This Japanese komato soup set is made with natural antibacterial agent (scallop shell component) and rice resin® derived from rice.
Contains 33 pieces of assorted shapes and gentle colors.
Comes with a shape and sound piece that is easy for babies to hold and can be played for a long time as they grow.
Includes cute bump shaped like Anpanman and Baikin-man. (sound pieces)
This product is perfect for gift needs.
"Rice Resin®" is a registered trademark of Biomass Resin Nanuuuuma.
(C) Takashi Yanase / Froebel-kan, TMS, NTV.

Safety Warning
