Feature(may vary by option.)

●An innovative exercise equipment that increases muscle strength while stretching your body comfortably
●Made of natural material (98% cotton), it stretches about twice as long
●Machine washable






[For standard shipping]
It will be delivered by Nekoposu-mailbox (post at home) or Sagawa express service.

What time will you stretch?
When you wake up in the morning, after deep thinking, and after you continue to stay in the same position for a long time.

This stretching has the effect of relieving tight muscles and improving blood graining, and relaxing.
Stretching your body will stretch your contracted muscles and achieve the effect of stretching your chest and back muscles.

This Nobi Stretch Towel was developed as a tool that can be easily stretched and stretched anywhere, even for those who dont like exercising.
The cotton is comfortable to the touch, but it stretches about twice as long.
It has a safe design that will not hurt your shoulders or arms as it weakens the strength of returning even when stretched.

By pulling the stretch towel, the chest opens and creates a forward position, allowing the joints of the shoulders and arms that are not used for everyday use, relieving tension and fatigue.
Beautiful posture makes you look healthy and young.

Stretch towel has a soft tension, but the load is about 8.8 lbs (4 kg). By continuing stretching gymnastics, you can also increase muscles at the same time.
The more muscles the more the base metabolism.
It will make your activity easier to build muscles.
Lower body stretches equally effectively.