Feature(may vary by option.)

●#69 in Mens Work Utility & Safety Pants

[59 steel blue]

[5 black]

[45 Earth Olive]

[1 Silver Gray]

[56 rock brown]

[24 deep indigo]


Color: 1 Silver Gray, 5 Black, 45 Earth Olive, 24 Deep Indigo.

Colors: 1, 5, 45.
Material: Stretch CVC Twill
Blend ratio: 67% cotton, 30% polyester, 3% polyurethane.

Color: 24.
Material: Stretch denim
Blend ratio: 72% cotton, 25% polyester, 3% polyurethane.

■ A standard model that exhibits high cost performance and has been developed with a delivery point in mind. Simple design but Izem is infused everywhere.
■ Adopts a very high level material that can be worn for a long time as a uniform.
■ The color product uses stretch CVC twill that combines the texture of cotton and high wrinkle-stability performance. With a moderate volume and weight, it is highly durable and indispensable for uniforms. At the same time it has excellent color development that gives it a luxurious feel. The moderate stretch performance supports comfortable work with 20% elongation rate (horizontal).
■ Denim products are made of 10.3 oz high volume stretch material. It has an amazing high power stretch performance that boasts an elongation rate of about 56% (horizontal) and a stretch recovery rate (after 1 hour), and it demonstrates excellent shape stability performance with low shape.
- Sleek 3D cutting combines stylish styling and ease of movement.
■Metal zippers and dot buttons are made by Japanese YKK company. Attention to detail and quality.

※Ordered products, stock availability and delivery date will be contacted.