Feature(may vary by option.)

●Size: Approx. Diameter 0.3 x 9.8 inches (8 x 250 mm)
●Weight: Approx. 3.5 oz (100 g) (1 piece)
●Materials: Main body: Iron (galvanized plating), Resin part: Polypropylene

[Set of 8]

[Set of 4]


Product Size: Approx. Diameter 0.3 x Length 9.8 inches (8 x 250 mm) (1 piec
Product Weight: 3.5 oz (100 g) (1 piece)
Material: Main body: Iron (galvanized plating), Resin part: Polypropylene
Country of Origin: China.

Durable steel round bar type that can be used on hard and small gravel surfaces.
Great for large tent tarps
Convenient to use rope through the hole of the peg.

Please note that we will not be responsible for any damages, damages or accidents arising from rental or auction or sale or used sales due to transfer.

From the Manufacturer

Recommended for camping spare pegs.

Can be plugged into hard surfaces.It is sure to be useful as an extra peg when camping.Also pay attention to the good cost performance of each piece.

The plastic on the top of the peg can be moved up and down, so it is recommended to lower the head of the metal part when you are pushing it down.

Easy to use set of 4

4 per setYou can purchase it separately from the included pegs in the tent, so you can rest assured that when you need it.