Feature(may vary by option.)

●Surface Treatment: Nickel
●Tensile Strength (kgf): 3
●Contents: IKJ-16 x 2 pieces
●Reference working load: 6.6 lbs (3.0 kg)
●Standard Dimensions: 16.0 x 4.0 mm

[Standard dimensions: A50.0×B20.0mm]

[Standard dimensions: A28.0 x B9.5mm]

[Standard dimensions: A46.0×B16.0mm]

[Standard dimensions: A15.0×B2.1mm]

[Standard dimensions: A16.0×B4.0mm]


Parts Pack
Most representative materials
Available in a wide variety of shapes and wire diameters, the strength and price is also appealing.
Carefully surface treatment, pursuit of beauty.