Feature(may vary by option.)

●Size: 35 (1/2) Scale: 23.0 inches (582 mm)
●Top: CarbonFiber & PolycarbonateBack & Sides: CarbonFiber & Polycarbonate
●Fretboard: Radius (R380) - CarbonFiber & PolycarbonateNeck: CarbonFiber & Polycarbonate
●TuningMachine: BlackDiecastNut: CarbonFiber&Polycarbonate&ZeroFret
●Saddle: Bone&UncompensatedBridge: CarbonFiber & Polycarbonate







With a combination of durability and light body, this guitar has a theme of "easy to maneuver" and "portability" that provides a low-profile body with a bright acoustic sound. The durable body made of full carbon fiber is designed to withstand all weather conditions such as high temperature humidity in summer and winter drying without compromising sound performance. In addition, the "AcousticPlus" functions as a normal electric acco, it can also be used for a variety of uses, such as live sound effects connected with the app, rhythm machine playback, Bluetooth playback with the guitar itself, and audio interface functions. Joining the Enyas signature carbon fiber body, the NovaGo guitar is manufactured with attention to detail and craftsmanship for sound and playability. The unique sound hole shape and smooth matte texture make it not only beautiful, but also the arch back structure increases the body sounds, so the sound quality is very good. It is widely used by both beginners and advanced users looking for a second and later.