Feature(may vary by option.)

●#23 in Mens Coin Purses & Pouches




[IN. Camo]










Product Description

In addition to coins, this case can be used as a storage case for small items such as keys. All products are attached with "Attention Card". Please read the description in advance for safe use. It also serves as an important substitute for a "certificate" when you receive all your post-purchase repairs, so please keep it safe.

Brand Introduction
Manhattan Portage, the pioneer of the messenger bag that celebrates the 30th anniversary of its brand. Based on the philosophy of "A Bag For Everyone" and "New York Tough", this cool, durable and practical product is backed by the streets of New York, the roots of New York, now overflowing in London, Toronto and Tokyo, making it an indispensable part of the daily life of all people as well as motorcycle messengers.


ブランド設立30周年を迎えた、メッセンジャーバッグの先駆者“Manhattan Portage"。「A Bag For Everyone」「New York Tough」という理念に基づき生み出された、クールで頑丈·実用的なプロダクトは、ルーツであるニューヨ―クのストリートが保障するバッグとして、今やロンドン、トロント、東京など世界中の街に溢れ、バイクメッセンジャーのみならずあらゆる人たちの日常生活に欠かせない存在となっています。