Feature(may vary by option.)

●Develop motor skills while playing with your body

[Winnie the Pooh SP]

[white SP]

[White EX]

[Winnie the Pooh EX]

[One One One and Poopo]


You can enjoy 3 different combinations according to your growth. So you can use it for a long time.
Length: 43.3 inches (110 cm). Naga~i no slip! A slide slide that can be selected between 2 angles: "gentle angle" and "mild angle".
Reassembly 1
Remove slide and stairs to Jungle Gym

Reassembly 2.
Change the position of the mount to a gentle angle slide

Reassembly 3.
Change the position of the mount and slide at a slide.

Footprint Area: Approx. 22.3 sq ft (1
Folds for compact storage