Feature(may vary by option.)

●Japanese cover securely protects your precious clothes, and uses the features of 2 materials for a functional and convenient garment cover
●The clear front allows you to see the contents clearly and conveniently take them out. The back is made of a breathable non-woven fabric that prevents moisture buildup
●This value set includes 20 regular and 10 long sizes
●Size: Normal Size (W x L x H): Approx. 23.6 x 39.4 x 20 sheets, Long Size (W x L x H): Approx. 23.6 x 51.2 x 11.2 inches (60 x 130 x 10 cm)
●Material: Non-woven polypropylene / Polyethylene, Each Cover: Approx. 0.7 - 1.1 oz (20 - 30 g), Made in Japan
●The images shown may show photos of the 20 sets of the same series. Thank you for your understanding

[Set of 30 sheets (normal 20 sheets + 10 long cards)]


The front of the cover is clear so you can see the contents clearly and conveniently take them out. The back of the cover is made of a non-woven fabric that is breathable and prevents moisture buildup. This is a Japanese garment cover that is convenient and functional.