Feature(may vary by option.)

●This cooking paper can be used in the oven or microwave. The surface is made of silicone so you can cook food without using grease. No mess on cookware and dishes and easy to clean up. It is also very convenient for baking bread, cookies, fish and meat. The unbleached parchment paper has a natural texture and looks great when baked foods are left on the tray. Great for organic deli and more
●Uses: Baking, steaming, baking, microwave, grilling, fries, wrapping, cardboard
●Resistant to oil and moisture
●Convenient as a bed paper for treats and deli dishes
●This parchment paper is stain resistant and can be reused 2-3 times when cooking cookies or other baked goods
●Recommended for cooking cooking, when you dont want to clean your pans, etc
●Pre-cut to size for ease of use
●100% pulp paper

[23*33cm 150 pieces]


This cooking paper can be used in the oven or microwave. The surface is made of silicone so you can cook food without using grease. No mess on cookware and dishes and easy to clean up. It is also very convenient for baking bread, cookies, fish and meat. The unbleached parchment paper has a natural texture and looks great when baked foods are left on the tray. Great for organic deli and more.