Feature(may vary by option.)

●Product Size (W x D x H): 7.0 x 1.3 x 5.7 inches (179 x 34 x 143 mm)
●Contents: 3.4 fl oz (100 ml) x 2 bottles + sponge
●Material: Dish Detergent: Bottle: PET; Cap: PP; Leaf Sponge: Non-woven acrylic, polyurethane
●Brandt Name: Frosch
●Manufacturer Name: Asahi Kasei Home Products

[1) Single item]

[2) [Case Sale] 12 pieces]


Product Description

"Floch" is a sustainable housecare brand born in Germany. This detergent is gentle on both natural and humans.
"Frosch Dish Soap Leaf Sponge Gift" is a gift of a cute and functional original leaf sponge, including the Blood Orange which enhances the cleaning power of frosch dish soap, and the standard "Aloe Vera".


How to Use:
Add the undiluted solution into the sponge and wash it.
When soaking washing, 0.02 fl oz (0.6 ml) per 0.3 fl oz (1 teaspoon for cooking is approximately 0.2 fl oz (5 ml))

Product information