Feature(may vary by option.)

●#49 in Shoelaces

[Light Blue × Black]

[Pink × Black]

[red × black]

[blue  & white]

[multicolor (beige   &  black)]

[White × Black]

[green × white]

[multicolor (black   &  white)]

[black x gold]

[White × Gold]

[orange × white]

[purple × white]

[orange × black]

[Turquoise Blue × Black]

[green  & black]


Our recommended size: High cut sneakers, 63.0 inches (160 cm), mid-cut sneakers, 55.1 inches (140 cm), low-cut sneakers, 47.2 inches (120 cm), we recommend measuring the length of the shoelaces that are attached with the sneakers to determine the appropriate size.