Feature(may vary by option.)

●Crecia Scotty Toilet Paper Flower Pack, 3x Longer Lasting 4 Rolls (Double)
●4 rolls, 12 rolls in length (compared to our product) toilet paper
●3 rolls per roll reduces the hassle of replacing and stores 1/3 of the storage space
●Soft and compact long toilet roll with Crecias unique embossing
●Made with eco-sized, 4.3 inches (108 mm) roll width and high-quality pulp made from paper packs, etc., making it an environmentally friendly product
●Suitable size for household holders. Relaxing flower scented

[2 bags total 8 rolls]

[2 bags total 8 rolls set]

[3 bags total 12 rolls]

[3 bags total of 12 rolls set]

[2 bags 8 rolls set]

[2 bags total of 12 rolls set]


Crecia Scotty Toilet Paper Flower Pack, 3x Lasts Longer, 4 Rolls (Double)
4 rolls, 12 rolls in length (compared to our product) toilet paper
3 rolls per roll reduces the hassle of replacing and stores 1/3 of the storage space
Soft and compact long toilet roll with Crecias unique embossing.
Made with eco-sized, 4.3 inches (108 mm) roll width and high-quality pulp made from paper packs, etc., making it an environmentally friendly product.
Suitable size for household holders. Relaxing flower scented