Feature(may vary by option.)

●[Convenience of Lever Action] The front is the same narrow type of training belt, so it is easy to move around and hits your pelvis and ribs and is recommended for those who dont like traditional lever types
●Training Belt for Stability of Your Core with Abdominal Pressure: The Zawick Power Belt is perfect for weightlifting, squats, bench presses, deadlifts, and various muscle training
●Increased Weight Used: Maintains a stable core and increases weight and results to enhance body makeup and training life
●Lever Buckle for One-Touch Installation: Unlike pin type that is prone to deterioration due to long-term use, it uses a metal lever buckle. Lever action belt that allows for stress-free one-touch installation and is highly durable
●Recommended for those who handle heavy weight training such as squats and deadlifts

[13mm black smooth black buckle]

[13mm black smooth]


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